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Stobhill Hospital - Erisky Ward Boilerhouse Upgrade & MacKinnon House Micro CHP ....
Buyer : NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
The Erisky Ward project works consist of completely refurbishing the existing Boilerhouse with new heating plant and equipment/systems etc. with new boilers, flue systems, pumps, valves etc., and replacing the existing indirect LTHW fed domestic hot ....
Govan Health Centre - Upgrade of Main Boilerhouse
Buyer : NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Installation of new centralised LTHW heating boiler plant and associated equipment/ancillaries (i.e. flues, pressurisation unit and expansion facilities, pumps, pipework distribution, valves, etc.). - Installation of new gas service to serve new boil ....
Dykebar Hospital - Block 11 - Boilerhouse Upgrade
Buyer : NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Works shall effectively comprise the replacement of existing LTHW heating boiler plant and associated installations, together with the complete removal of all existing redundant services within the plant room.
Dykebar Hospital - Hollybush Ward - Boilerhouse Upgrade
Buyer : NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
The proposed works are to be undertaken in the Hollybush building basement boiler plant room, located within the Dykebar Hospital site. The site address is Dykebar Hospital, Grahamston Road, Paisley, PA2 7DE. Works shall effectively comprise the repl ....
Govanhill Health Centre - Boilerhouse Upgrade
Buyer : NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
The replacement of main boilers, pumps, valves and all associated pipework along with the replacement of the building controls for this facility.
Leverndale Hospital - Blocks 9&10 - Beith & Banff Wards - Boilerhouse Upgrade
Buyer : NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
The project works generally consist of the provision of fully and completely refurbishing the existing Boilerhouse with new plant and equipment/systems etc. with new boilers, flue systems, pumps, valves etc., and the existing direct gas fired domesti ....
Dumbarton Health Centre Boilerhouse Upgrade
Buyer : NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Replacement of existing LTHW heating and domestic water services within the main boiler plant room consisting of: 1. Replacement of existing gas service installations from the existing retained meter onwards; 2. Replacement of existing building manag ....
Alderney SSD Boilerhouse BMS Refurb
Buyer : university hospitals dorset nhs foundation trust
Provision of BMS Refurbishment to Alderney Sterile Services Department of Poole General Hospital and associated works
EWS2023 Mechanical Upgrade Works - Boilerhouse Replacement at St. Declan's Colle ....
Decommissioning the existing Oil fired boilerhouse for St. Declan's College and installation of a new natural gas boilerhouse
Old Bawn Community School - Mechanical works to the boilerhouse and heating cent ....
Buyer : Old Bawn Community School
This project is an emergency works mechanical project that entails upgrading works to the existing boilerhouse and heating centre for Old Bawn Community School main school building. The works include replacing the existing oil boilers in the boilerho ....
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